After earning your private pilot license, you can start training for this to learn how to fly in the clouds. You can fly through the clouds while following IFR (Instrument Flight Rules) without using the ground or horizon as a reference point and will not be restricted to VFR (Visual Flight Rules). You now have the choice to go anywhere, at any moment, day or night, rain or shine, thanks to your newfound freedom. Obtaining an instrument rating offers the chance for both professional development and an increase in responsibility.


As an instrument-rated Pilot, You can…

  • Fly into the cloud and bad weather

  • Have better pre-flight planning

  • Have heightened pilot’s intuition

  • Have diligent Instrument Meteorological Conditions (IMC) flight preparation

  • Have improved accuracy

  • Gain more instrument knowledge


Steps To Earn Instrument Rating


You must pass the medical exam, be at least 17 years old, be a US Citizen or hold a valid Visa to US. You must be able to read, speak and understand English.


Your ground training will cover a variety of topics in order to prepare you for flight training. After finishing your ground school, you must pass the FAA written exam.


The FAA requires 40 hrs of simulated instrument time logged in an airplane or simulator and at least 50 hrs of a Cross-Country time, in order to earn the license.


When your CFI feels you are ready, they will sign off and arrange your final checkride with an FAA examiner. You will become an official instrument-rated pilot after passing your checkride.


Your training will focus on multitasking.

Once you are instrument rated, your level of safety and general proficiency will significantly increase.

You will receive evaluations on the ground and while you are in the air.

You are assured of becoming a competent, safe, and confident instrument-rated pilot in addition to passing your check ride.

✓ Must log at least 40 hours of instrument time

  • ✓ Sharpen aeronautical decision-making skills

  • ✓ Acquire advanced weather knowledge

  • ✓ IFR flight plans and routing

  • ✓ Flight without external visual reference, solely by reference to onboard flight instruments

  • ✓ Deepen aircraft systems knowledge

  • ✓ Develop mastery of your aircraft during different phases of flight

  • ✓ Learn how to exist in, interact with, and adjust to the National Airspace System under IFR

  • ✓ Learn about authorization for an aircraft to operate in the IFR System


additional training


Private Pilot Course

PPL is a qualification that allows the holder to fly on single-engine land (SEL) aircraft in visual meteorological conditions (VMC) as pilot-in-command (PIC) or co-pilot on aircraft in non-commercial operations without remuneration.

Commercial Pilot Course

A career in aviation starts when you earn your commercial pilot certificate. A commercial pilot certification allows you to work for hire and is a qualification necessary for jobs like corporate pilot, certified flight instructor, agricultural pilot, aerial photographer, and cargo pilot.

Certified Flight Instructor - Instrument Course (CFII) Biennial Flight Review (BFR) Instrument Proficiency Check (IPC) Mountain Flight Training Time Building